Definition of wellness


    Wellness has emerged as a trillion-dollar business in the twenty-first century, surpassing the growth rate of the global economy (GWI, 2016). Educational administrators are tasked by educational authorities, health advocacy groups, and government agencies to take the lead in establishing schools that prioritize wellness (NIMH, 2017; Alliance for a Healthier Generation, 2017). 


    One aspect of well-being is physical health. Studies have shown that physically active students have an advantage in school, are more likely to be present and attentive, and do better academically than their less active peers. An increase in the amount of physical exercise that students participate in has been shown to improve their cognitive function, concentration, and memory, as well as their physical fitness. Additionally, teenage Students who consistently engage in physical education demonstrate accelerated academic growth, higher grades, standardized test scores, and improved classroom behaviour (Kirkham et al., 2017). 


    Several distinct components are taken into consideration when measuring the level of wellness that an individual possesses. These aspects include emotional wellness, spiritual wellness, intellectual wellness, social wellness, medical wellness, and occupational wellness. Except for digital wellness, wellness research has paid a great deal of attention to a variety of qualities. The concept of digital wellness was not given sufficient consideration when the first wellness models were described. However, a significant number of college students are now exposed to the modern digital environment, which adds new health risks to the list that already includes things like excessive sedentary behaviour throughout the day, poor eating habits, a lack of physical activity, constant mental and physical stress, social isolation, and environmental degradation.


 Dimensions of wellness


    Wellness is commonly associated with physical health, covering aspects such as nutrition, exercise, and weight management. However, it extends beyond these factors. Wellness is the comprehensive combination of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, which involves replenishing the body, stimulating the mind, and fostering the spirit. Achieving a state of excellent health is an essential component of wellness; nevertheless, overall wellness embraces the concept of living life to the fullest. It is a style of life and an individualized approach to living that enables you to attain your best potential within the restrictions of your abilities, circumstances, and destiny. It is a method of experiencing life. 


    Physical wellness is a fundamental aspect among the eight aspects that collectively contribute to an individual's total well-being and fitness. The ability to maintain a quality of life that enables you to get the most out of your everyday activities without experiencing undue exhaustion or unnecessary physical stress is what we mean when we talk about physical well-being. When we talk about physical well-being, we acknowledge that the routines and actions we engage in daily have an effect on our general health, well-being, and quality of life. This dimension incorporates all aspects of physical health, including nutrition, exercise, weight management, ergonomics, tobacco use, disease, disease prevention, and other related areas. You may improve your physical health by making time to move your body through physical activity. Each day, for at least half an hour, you should make an effort to move your body in a way that will cause your heart rate to increase. There is even the possibility of dividing your daily thirty minutes into three ten-minute sessions! You may improve your physical health by making time to move your body through physical activity. Each day, for at least half an hour, you should make an effort to move your body in a way that will cause your heart rate to increase. There is even the possibility of dividing your daily thirty minutes into three ten-minute sessions! If you can do so, you should take the stairs rather than the elevator or the escalator. When your body starts to feel ill, it is important to learn how to spot the warning symptoms. Eating meals that are known to improve one's mood. Adhering to a consistent sleep pattern and ensuring that you obtain between seven and nine hours of sleep every night.



    Emotional wellness involves establishing a consciousness of one's emotions and one's reactions to daily interactions. This level of consciousness enables you to gain a deeper comprehension of the reasons behind your emotions and empowers you to proactively address and manage them. Enhancing your emotional well-being can be achieved by engaging in solitary introspection to calm your thoughts and contemplate, displaying a cheerful expression and emitting sounds of amusement! Humour can be an effective remedy for reducing stress and gaining a better understanding of life's issues. Next, you may engage in the act of seeking or receiving assistance and support from others when it is required, engaging in open and honest communication with a trusted individual to express your views and emotions. Ensure to attentively acknowledge and consider the emotional states of others as well. Also don’t forget to compliment and be kind to yourself. Embracing errors and acquiring knowledge from them for future occasions. Maintaining physical well-being. The interconnection between your mental and physical well-being is evident in activities such as eating, engaging in physical exercise, and getting sufficient sleep.


    Occupational wellness enables individuals to explore diverse career paths and motivates them to actively pursue the possibilities that bring them the greatest satisfaction. This aspect of well-being acknowledges the significance of experiencing fulfilment, richness, and meaning in one's occupation. It is important to engage in regular self-reflection to find the sources of joy and purpose in your life. This will help you to cultivate your occupational wellness. To go to the second level, it is necessary to keep an open mind and an objective perspective. Using the resources provided by career services. You should also think about conducting research on the many professional and/or volunteer opportunities that are available. In addition, you can engage in open discussion with your co-workers and implement approaches that are particularly helpful in managing conflicts. Last but not least, you should set professional goals for yourself that are possible to achieve and work hard to accomplish them.


    The pursuit of intellectual wellness demands us to be curious and to engage in activities that are both creative and mentally stimulating. It also requires us to continue to study throughout our lives. Intellectual well-being can be cultivated through activities such as academics, cultural involvement, community involvement, and personal interests that allow you to expand your knowledge and skills while also providing you with the opportunity to share those skills and information with others around you.  By maintaining an open mind, you can increase the health of your intellectual life.

    Listening comes next. The ability to completely absorb the information that is being presented to you is a direct result of your participation in active listening. taking up a new pastime comes in third. Participating in hobbies is an excellent method to broaden your skill set. They also have the potential to be enjoyable! The next step is to either travel or study abroad. Having first-hand exposure to a different culture is the most effective method for acquiring knowledge and developing an understanding of that culture. Additionally, enrolling in a course that is not related to your major. Just for fun, I enjoy reading.


   Environmental wellness pertains to adopting a lifestyle that places importance on the interconnectedness between ourselves, our community, and the environment. The fundamental tenet of environmental well-being is reverence, encompassing all aspects of nature and its many inhabitants. One can improve their environmental well-being by participating in the activity of litter collection. Participating in outdoor activities such as cycling or walking for the purpose of transportation, Through the utilization of reusable bags and water bottles, and Engaging in water-saving practices. Participating in recycling activities and frequenting the farmer's market, By deactivating both the lighting fixtures and computing systems, Disengaging from electronic devices and donating unnecessary clothing to charitable organizations.



 Healthy lifestyle


    Numerous approaches exist for maintaining good health, and you'd probably receive varying responses from those in your social circle about what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. The variation arises due to individuals' reliance on their cultural and personal values while making decisions, limited by their social and geographical circumstances (Cockerham, 2021). Thus, a healthy lifestyle can be characterized as a behaviour pattern that promotes good health and is determined by the options one has. We all aspire to lead lives that are characterized by good health and happiness. While some individuals are lucky enough to already maintain healthy lifestyles, others may be unaware of their damaging behaviours or encounter challenges in adopting healthier alternatives due to their impracticality or difficulty. Individuals who are aware that their lifestyles could be improved may choose to adopt healthier behaviours at a later time, such as at the beginning of the new year or after finishing a challenging work assignment.


    However, numerous individuals end up caught in a frenzy of hectic activity and fail to truly dedicate themselves to those commitments. Frequently, we persist in prioritizing the demands of others or our professional pursuits while neglecting our physical and emotional well-being. Consequently, over time, our disregard for ourselves gradually erodes our state of being.


    Adhering to a healthy lifestyle can enhance our overall well-being and emotional state, as well as prolong our lifespan. This essay aims to provide a clear definition of a healthy lifestyle and explore its advantages. Additionally, we will acquire knowledge on practices that promote a healthy lifestyle and uncover strategies to achieve your wellness objectives.


 Benefits of a healthy lifestyle


    Researchers have extensively conducted studies examining the impact of lifestyle on health and well-being. A comprehensive meta-analysis, containing the health outcome data of more than 500,000 individuals, has established a clear association between adherence to a healthy lifestyle and a reduced risk of mortality (Loef and Walach, 2012). A more recent study monitored the health behaviours and results of more than 120,000 participants over a period of three decades. Individuals who satisfied the researcher's criteria for a healthy lifestyle had a much lower risk of early death due to cardiovascular disease or cancer (Li et al., 2018). However, to what extent can adopting healthy lifestyles reduce the likelihood of premature mortality? The study found that women who maintained healthy behaviours had a significantly higher lifespan of around fourteen years compared to those who had bad lifestyles (Li et al., 2018). Conversely, males who maintained healthy lifestyles had an approximate extension of twelve years in their lifespan (Li et al., 2018).


    Undoubtedly, an extended lifespan is not the sole advantage of adopting a healthy lifestyle. A study conducted on a sample of more than 3,000 persons aged 55 to 85 has demonstrated that those who adopt healthy lifestyles surpassed their peers in all assessed criteria (Visser et al., 2018). For example, the participants in the group that followed a healthy lifestyle exhibited greater speed in physical agility tests and had a lower likelihood of experiencing symptoms of depression (Visser et al., 2018). Additionally, they exhibited slowed deterioration in cognitive function and social interactions (Visser et al., 2018).


    Living a healthy lifestyle can promote physical well-being and reduce the likelihood of experiencing depression. Furthermore, we could potentially extend our lifespan by ten years by the adoption of habits that promote good health.



 Healthy lifestyle changes


  Initiating a healthy lifestyle transformation begins with the implementation of a systematic and progressive strategy. Before implementing many changes simultaneously, it is advisable to evaluate which aspects of your lifestyle you wish to enhance and the strategies you can employ to achieve these improvements. Subsequently, you can decide the specific modifications you wish to prioritize and estimate the duration required to establish that alteration as a habitual practice. Hence, the crucial aspect of implementing healthy lifestyle modifications is to commence with modest adjustments and focus on implementing only one attainable change at a time. 


    Following a slow process may seem sluggish and inefficient when you are driven to suddenly quit any negative actions, and you may be tempted to radically alter every aspect of your existence. Ultimately, you may desire to adopt a healthier lifestyle and promptly enjoy the advantages of improved well-being. However, individuals often experience frustration while attempting to make numerous changes over a short period, leading to avoidable stress. By using small measures, a greater portion of the progress achieved is likely to be successful before advancing to the subsequent stage. Furthermore, implementing incremental and meticulously strategized measures enables you to explore alternate approaches if your initial attempt proves unsuccessful, hence facilitating the discovery of an effective alternative.


    It is important to note that, in addition to thorough preparation, making changes to your lifestyle requires a long-term commitment.  You may have noticed a friend or a loved one committing to lose weight. It is possible that they adhered to a strict dietary routine and dedicated numerous hours to physical exercise at the gym. However, shortly after achieving their desired weight, they may have reverted to their previous eating patterns and stashed away their exercise bag in a remote section of their wardrobe, gradually regaining all the weight they had previously lost. Such outcomes are linked to a deficiency in commitment to modifying one's behavior. To establish enduring healthy habits, you must choose sustainable behaviors that you can consistently adhere to.


    How can we determine if a behavior is sustainable? The durability of a behavior depends on its temporal and exertional demands, as well as our willingness to consistently dedicate ourselves to it every day.  Therefore, habits that take minimal effort and time may be more effortlessly integrated into our everyday routines. However, there is an additional covert element that contributes to the durability of habits: likability. As previously mentioned, individuals often struggle to eliminate undesirable behaviors due to the pleasurable sensations they experience. It becomes increasingly difficult if we try to substitute them with habits that we find completely unenjoyable. Hence, to ensure the longevity of our habits, we ought to go for those that we find pleasurable and derive satisfaction from.





Cockerham, W. C. (2021). Health lifestyles: bringing structure back. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology, 150-170.


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