Greenhouse Effect Global Warming

 To understand the greenhouse effect global warming, one needs to understand exactly what is the greenhouse effect before the link between it and global warming can be examined. Originally theorized in 1824, the greenhouse effect refers to the atmosphere's ability to warm the planet. The greenhouse moniker was coined because the warming process was similar to how a greenhouse warms it plant and flower inhabitants.

Now, the greenhouse effect refers to a natural process that the earth performs without any foreign substances influences the warming. As such, the greenhouse effect reflects a natural balance of temperature warming. Greenhouse effect global warming issues refer to when there is an ‘unnatural’ or external factor that manipulates the greenhouse effect and causes an imbalance. As such, the greenhouse effect global warming issues that are the result may cause significant problems with the natural environment.

As the societies of the world shifted from agricultural societies to industrial societies, the world has been receiving tons of emissions into the environment that do not naturally exist. That is, car exhaust, and smoke stack exhaust – anything that contains CO2 -- were released into the atmosphere and led to a ‘spiking’ of the greenhouse gases that heat the atmosphere.

So, ultimately, the greenhouse effect global warming issues revolve around the temperature of the atmosphere being raised beyond what it is normally (or naturally) supposed to be and this leads to significant, unpredictable changes in weather that can result in a host of environmental catastrophes.

Ultimately, the full extent of the greenhouse effect and its implications on the theory of greenhouse effect global warming are not known. What we are left with is a baseline scientific concept and secondary evidence showing what may be the possible extent of the dangers. While the full extent and scope of the dangers are not known, the scientific community has come to a virtual consensus that global warming is happening and it is caused by human beings.

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